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Eleanor's Page

Page history last edited by eladika 15 years, 9 months ago

Eleanor's Page


January 17, 2009


Hi, My name is Eleanor and I live in Jerusalem.  I am a tech instructor and facilitator  at the David Yellin Academic College of Education and at an elementary school in Jerusalem.  The fact that in this group we are working in a multicultural as well as multiliteracy environment is facinating to me as I am totally emerged in the dissonance of people from different backgrounds working and learning together, trying to find a way to communicate and develop togehter.


The elementary school that I work in is an environment where religious and non religious people of the Jewish religion try to find a path to work together.  I do not know if you are aware that religious background in Israel has its own schools so religious Jews have their own schools, secular Jews have their own schools and other religions (Musulim, Christian, Druse, etc.) each have their own schools. 


At the college, interactions are between more different groups of people.  Our staff and student body are made up of Christians, Muslums and Jews.  People are encouraged to express their views and feelings, and encouraged to learn together, which is not always easy, especially in times of tension.  One of the courses that I teach is an online course with 8 other colleges in Israel, 3 being secualar colleges, 3 Jewish Religious colleges and 3 Arabic colleges.  It is very interesting to see the students working as teams in the special interest groups that they chose online. 

Comments (1)

Dennis Oliver said

at 8:01 pm on Jan 17, 2009

Shalom, Eleanor.

This is a very good beginning. What can you add to it to make it more appealing and engaging?

Your background is fascinating and impressive. I was particularly interested to see that you do online courses for both Jewish and Arabic colleges. Do you use Hebrew, English, and Arabic?

I was part of a colloquium given at the TESOL conference in Vancouver, BC in 2000 or 2001 with an outstanding Internet pioneer from Israel, Dr. Elaine Hoter. Do you know her?

To have Christians, Muslims, and Jews working together is a wonderful, wonderful thing. I greatly admire you for being part of this effort!

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